Menstrual Cups - A First Look

Introduction to menstrual cups

What exactly is a menstrual cup?

Simply put, a menstrual cup is an object that is worn inside the vagina, usually lower than a tampon, to carry (rather than absorb) your menstrual fluid.

What are the benefits of a menstrual cup?

The benefits of a menstrual cup are numerous, but here are just a few:

  • Strong intimacy - It won't cause vaginal dryness like tampons, and it won't cause allergies!
  • Eco-friendly and durable - No extra load on landfills like pads and slivers, no impact on marine and terrestrial ecology, and can be recycled directly!
  • Affordable - With proper use and storage, it can be used for about 3 years, saving money and time!
  • Easy to clean - It can be washed directly with clean water, disinfected with boiling water, then cleaned with special detergent, wiped dry and dried!

Want to know the benefits of menstrual cups over pads and tampons, Click me!

Will it hurt to use a menstrual cup?

No. If your menstrual cup is the correct size and position, it should be barely noticeable, uncomfortable or painful. If you still feel unwell, it may be due to the following reasons:

Reason for discomfort Workaround
The menstrual cup is not being worn in the correct position Remove and reinsert the menstrual cup according to the brand's menstrual cup guidelines. This how-to can be downloaded in Section 5
The cup size does not fit your cervix Re-measure your cervix according to Section 3, and then choose the best menstrual cup for your cervix according to Section 4
The stem of the menstrual cup is too long, causing discomfort in the vagina Trim the stem of the menstrual cup according to the brand's guidelines for menstrual cup use. The User Guide can be downloaded in Part 5

Remember to take your time as much as possible, as there is usually a 1-4 week familiarization phase at the beginning. If you have exhausted all methods and still feel uncomfortable, you can refer to Part 6, or contact us directly!

Is it true that it will not leak?

No. That's all, if your menstrual cup is the correct size and position, it's perfect. But remember, you have to go through a learning process to master how to use the menstrual cup.


If you experience dripping while using the Intiminamenstrual cup, it may be because the Lily Cup is not The body opens completely and forms a seal with the vaginal wall.

It is recommended that you remove the Lily Cup and reinsert it, and follow the tips below to ensure that the Lily Cup is fully Open. After insert:

  1. Gently press on the bottom of the cup (not the tab or stem), then gently turn it around.
  2. Insert your finger into the vagina, then lightly inspect the Lily Cup periphery to ensure a seal is formed.
  3. Or try a new folding method to solve this problem.

FemmyCycle and Merula

If you experience dripping when using a FemmyCycle or Merula menstrual cup, it may be because the ectocervix (ie, the cervix) is not properly seated in the cup inside (see image below).

  1. Before inserting the menstrual cup, use your finger to touch the position of your ectocervix, then gently push the cup into the position of the ectocervix.
  2. Gently rotate the menstrual cup while pushing down with the pelvic floor muscles. This action helps position the ectocervix within the menstrual cup.
  3. If the menstrual cup is easy to insert but not easy to remove, it means that the menstrual cup should be placed in the correct position.

Tip: For extra peace of mind, before you quickly throw away the pad, you may consider adding a pad the first time you use a menstrual cup. If there are no drips (if there are no accidents, there should be no drips), congratulations, because you have mastered the skills of using menstrual cups, and you can "cup" cotton slivers and pads for a strong woman. You won the award "cup"!

Is the microphone safety first?

Department. All menstrual cups we recommend are made from medical grade silicone, not just hypoallergenic, and never contain phthalates, toxic substances, latex, bleach, fibers, or any irritants substance. They are designed to be worn safely for a long time, and the non-porous surface of silicone is safe and hygienic, and will not breed bacteria.

Generally speaking, menstrual cups are considered safe by gynecologists and medical professionals. Because menstrual cups collect, rather than absorb, menstrual fluid, they do not cause vaginal dryness or irritation. Menstrual cups also do not affect the pH of the vagina, which greatly reduces the chance of infection.

Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you read Part 7, as there are a few things to keep in mind before using a menstrual cup.

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