
The more moaning, the more arousing.


呻吟 (aka 叫床),係一種透過聲音向床伴表達身體愉悅嘅方式, 可以幫助釋放激情,提升爆發力 💥 令雙方更慾火焚身 真係叫者身爽,聽者心癢 🤤
之❗不❗過❗ 萬一唔覺意吟得太用力 , 或者 timing 唔啱, 就會瞬間出戲一秒謝皮 👎🏻 到底點先可以吟得出「色」呢?

Moaning Classroom 101: Deep Breathing

Take a deep breath in... and breathe out...
When you take deep breaths, let the air flow out through your mouth. This can naturally lead to gentle moans. It helps to relax your body and amplifies your senses, making you more sensitive to external stimulation.

呻吟教室 101:深呼吸

"Breathe in...,breathe out..." 深呼吸嘅時候 🫁💨 空氣由口腔流動呼出 🌬 就會本應地自然嬌喘 😮‍💨 有助放鬆身體 💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♂️ 將感官放大 🤩 對外來刺激更敏感 🕺🏻💃🏼

Moaning Classroom 101: Follow the Beat
Based on your body's response, match it with the rhythm of your movements. Sometimes it may be fast and intense, while other times it may be slow and gentle. When your partner hits the sweet spot, let out a moan at the right moment to let them know your pleasure zones better.

呻吟教室 101:跟返個 Beat 哩

跟據身體嘅反應 💓 配合肢體嘅律動 👯‍♂️👯🏽‍♀️ 一時高亢急促、一時放緩節奏 🎷🎶 再喺伴侶擊中爽點時適時淫叫 🎯 令對方更了解你嘅舒爽區📍

Moaning Classroom 101: Practice Makes Perfect
When it comes to self-pleasure, it's important to relax as much as possible. Try gentle moaning, deep breathing, or even quick gasps to understand your body better. Find out the moaning style that suits you the best. This way, when it comes to real action, it will be easier for you to get into the mood.

呻吟教室 101:熟能生巧

自慰嘅時候儘量放鬆 🎐 試下輕柔地呻吟、深沉呼吸或者快速喘氣 😤 從而了解身體 😌 搵出最適合自己嘅呻吟方式 👍🏻 實戰嘅時候就更容易入戲啦 😇

Moaning Classroom 101: Varying the Volume</h2> <p> Moaning, just like singing, can have variations in volume and intensity  You can adjust the moaning volume based on the scene and level of excitement ⚡ Start with soft sighs and gentle moans at the beginning, then gradually increase the volume towards climax  Adding a bit more drama can make the experience even more fun and exhilarating

呻吟教室 101:音量變換

呻吟就如唱歌一樣可以有高低起伏 〽️ 可以因應唔同場景同刺激度 ⚡ 調節呻吟嘅音量 📣 例如一開始細聲嘆氣 🔉,鄰近尾大聲呻吟 🔊 多啲 drama 🎬,過程都 fun 啲 🤩

Moaning Classroom 101: Beyond Moaning</h2> <p> Apart from moaning, Eye contact   and physical touch   can also enhance the experience. Caressing 👐🏻, hugging  , kissing  , and other forms of physical intimacy can help intensify the heat 🌡️. Moderate amounts of Dirty Talk   (e.g., That feels so good~, I want you so badly~, I can't handle it anymore~) can increase interaction and amplify the sense of mutual desire

呻吟教室 101:呻吟以外

除咗呻吟之外 眼神交流 👀,身體觸碰 🤗 都會加分 撫摸 👐🏻,擁抱 🫂,親吻 💋 等都有助加溫 🌡️ 適量嘅 Dirty Talk 💬(eg. 好正呀~ 好想要~ 頂唔順喇~) 增加互動,感受彼此強烈嘅渴望 ✊🏻🥺

Important Notes
In Hong Kong, space is limited and walls are thin 
So, it's better not to be too loud and disturb your neighbors, especially the elderly ladies next door 
Fresh Breath:
Before getting intimate, consider brushing your teeth or popping a mint 🍬
Having fresh breath shows thoughtfulness and consideration 
AV Style and Baby Talk:
Adult videos are not a reflection of real-life experiences 
Trying to imitate them too much may have unintended consequences


環境 香港地少人多,牆身又薄 🥲 太大聲嘈親鄰居陳師奶就唔好啦 🤭 口氣 做愛前刷個牙或啪粒薄荷糖 🍬 清新口氣更會顯得細心體貼㗎~ 😘 AV 式吔咩嗲二姑二姑 成人情節並非現實世界噢 😎 太刻意模仿可能會適得其反喔 🙅🏻

Conclusion To moan or not to moan is entirely a personal choice   It doesn't necessarily mean pleasure 😌 The most important thing is to communicate in the most comfortable way for both partners 🙌🏼 Express yourself 🙆🏻 and enjoy the process.


呻吟與否 完全取決於個人選擇 💁🏻 並非一定要呻吟先代表享受 😌 最緊要用雙方最舒適自在嘅方式 🙌🏼 表達自己 🙆🏻 + 享受過程 🫦🏻

