

Dolphins 🐬 are well-known for their high intelligence
But it turns out these adorable little dolphins
also have a knack for releasing sexual desires 😳!


Dolphin crying because its fins are too short for masturbation

Like humans, dolphins have no specific mating season
Their sexual desires come and go, and they are the only animals besides humans that understand how to enjoy sexual pleasure
(rather than mating purely for reproduction) 😯!

Humans can easily satisfy themselves with their hands, toys, or partners
But for dolphins with their fins... it's not so easy 🤡 ...

Dolphin inserting its penis into a fish's body

When female dolphins are not around to "satisfy" them 😤
Male dolphins will use fish as DIY Fleshlights 😱!!!

They bite off the fish's head and use the body 🐟 as a fleshlight
In and out, in and out 😀 ...

Male dolphin inserting its penis into another dolphin's blowhole

Male dolphins will...

Some male dolphins will even insert their penis (dolphin's penis)
into another dolphin's blowhole on top of its head 😒 ...
Just thinking about it is painful 😨.

Female dolphin blushing while encountering a turtle

Female dolphins will...

As for female dolphins, they will rub their privates against hard objects 😆
Such as turtle shells 🐢.

Dolphin chasing a panicked woman 

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