性健康 性知識 處女膜 陰道冠 陰道前膜

性健康 性知識 處女膜 陰道冠 陰道前膜

性健康 性知識 處女膜 陰道冠 陰道前膜

性健康 性知識 處女膜 陰道冠 陰道前膜

性健康 性知識 處女膜 陰道冠 陰道前膜

性健康 性知識 處女膜 陰道冠 陰道前膜

Is there a connection between vaginal corona status and sexual experience?

❣️Is it possible for penetrative sex to not cause the rupture of the vaginal corona?
🌸 Since the size and shape of the vaginal corona can vary from person to person, it is not a guarantee that masturbation or penetrative sex will cause it to rupture.
🌸 A study conducted in Switzerland found that over half of girls did not experience a rupture of their vaginal corona during their first sexual intercourse.
❣️Are there other activities that may cause the rupture of the vaginal corona?
🌸 It is possible for strenuous exercise, the use of tampons, or vaginal medication to cause the rupture of the vaginal corona, which may not necessarily be related to sexual experience."