Lovense 品牌介紹

LOVENSE —— 首選可控震蛋品牌

Lovense 的遙距控制玩具,憑著一鳴驚人的震力,及多不勝數的功能,令其迅速風靡全球,正面評論源源不絕!其免費「Lovense Remote」App 比起市面上同類產品,連接速度最快,最穩定,且更有遙距控制、視像聊天、自設震頻、音樂同步、聲控震動、鬧鐘功能等功能,尤其深受身處異地的 Long-D 情侶愛戴!


Lovense sex toys are the culmination of more than 10 years of research, development, and countless man-hours. Compared with similar products on the market, "Lovense Remote" App has the fastest and most stable connection speed, and has numerous functions such as Remote control, video chat, sync to music, voice-activated vibration, and alarm clock function.