
清水清洗就 OK

Just wash it with clean water

Shower gel has the potential to cause vaginal dryness and affect the pH of the vagina, which makes it more susceptible to bacteria

Warm water + gentle intensity

Wash with water similar to human body temperature

Avoid rinsing with excessive water pressure


Cleaning the outside of vulva is sufficient

The vagina does not need to be irrigated! The vagina itself has a self-cleaning function, and irrigation of the vagina may affect the ecological environment of the vagina and reduce the defense capacity

倒 V 手勢洗陰唇

Inverted V gesture wash labia

The gap between the labia majora and labia is easy to accumulate dirt, so it is recommended to gently scrub with the inverted V gesture ~


Choose your cleanser carefully

X contains excessive foaming agent

If your vagina is more sensitive, try to avoid scented intimate care products ~