Make Up Sex

What is Make Up Sex?
Make Up Sex, also known as having sex after a fight or breakup with a partner.
It is often referred to as the "sexual experience ceiling."
During the argument, the emotions, adrenaline, heart rate, and breathing of both parties reach extremely high levels.
Until the moment of making love, everything stored inside will be completely released.
Bringing about mind-blowing and orgasmic climax.

An upgraded version of Make Up Sex is called "Revenge Sex".
When the relationship is extremely deteriorated, particularly when facing betrayal or infidelity.
When love turns into hatred, emotions are vented fiercely through physical power.

Why is Make Up Sex particularly pleasurable? (Psychological aspect)
Temporarily stepping away from the argument and reconnecting with the other person, thus obtaining comfort and relief.
Reaffirming one's attractiveness and overcoming the self-doubt caused by negative emotions.

Why is Make Up Sex particularly pleasurable? (Physiological aspect)
The hormones and substances such as dopamine produced during sexual intercourse can alleviate sadness.
A study by Harvard University indicates that the release of chemicals during Make Up Sex has similar effects to drug abuse, creating a sense of addiction.

What should you be aware of?
The importance of consent
If your partner is not ready and you force yourself upon them, it will only lead to a worse experience and may even pose legal risks.
Take necessary safety precautions
To avoid being driven by sexual desire and losing rationality, any sexual activity should occur in a safe environment.
Adjust your expectations
Understand that not every Make Up Sex encounter will reach the heights or reverse the situation, to avoid falling into a sense of disappointment and emptiness.

Does it really lead to reconciliation?
Make Up Sex can undoubtedly bring pleasure and satisfy momentary desires.
However, it does not help resolve deep-seated conflicts.
It may even cause both parties to avoid addressing the issues, leaving them increasingly confused.
It is advisable to communicate well with your partner.
Truly make up and "make love" after reconciliation.
This will genuinely warm up the relationship.
#Makelove #Notwar