【潤滑液實測】令我好熱好想要⋯⋯ 最新酥麻熱感HARU Indulge review + 3款大麻潤滑液對比評測

Hello everyone ~ I'm Diane 🗿, the sex specialist at Pleasure Point

Whether it’s masturbating or having sex, there are always many different ways to add sensuality! Sex × comfort, has always been a good pair, and is the method that many people will choose.

But actually there are many ways to use comfort, I don't know that HARU INDULGE Lubricant can bring a thermal experience, and can How to improve my erotic experience?

This time I will test the newly launched products of Taiwanese brand HARU Herbal Extract Thermal Lubricant range and compare them to other products in the same range!

Product Links:HARU INDULGE

#Taiwan #haru #indulge #review #thermal lubricant #lubricant #lubricant #orgasm liquid #test #review


▍About HARU 含春...

Taiwanese brand

HARU is a top private care brand from Taiwan, with the brand name taken from the Japanese word "spring (はる)". The products are all Made in Taiwan, which is a guarantee of safety and quality ~ In terms of brand philosophy, HARU believes that sex is not only the pleasure of the flesh, but also the fusion of both parties' emotions.

▍Elegant packaging

The packaging follows the design style of the HARU thermal lubricant range and is accented with gold-plated embossing. The difference is that INDULGE has an orange-yellow metallic face as a background, which looks more vivid and luxurious, very textured (✿︎•̀꒳•́)♡︎ ✧︎

The packaging is printed with the words “MAKE LOVE. NOT SEX. LET’S HARU.” During the Vietnam War in the 1960s, John Lennon chanted “Make love, not war”; "MAKE LOVE. NOT SEX." is in line with HARU's brand spirit of improving the intimacy between partners!

The design of the lubricant body is also very elegant, more like perfume or skin care than erotic products! It's so beautiful just in the house, and your friends won't feel embarrassed when they come ~ (˶ ̅᷄ −̫ ̅᷅˵)

2, HARU thermal lubricant series

▍Herbal plant extracts...are they legal?

When they hear of herbal ingredients, many people immediately ask: What does HEMP mean? Is it legal in Hong Kong? The thermal lubricant range uses actually herbalextract oils, does not contain THC or CBD, has antioxidant moisturizing functions, rich in Omega-3, 6, 9 and linoleic acid and not Saturated fatty acids, many skin care products now contain HEMP, which can soothe eczema and sensitive skin! Moreover, the raw materials for production are legally imported, so it is absolutely legal in Hong Kong ~

This time, in addition to the newly launched HARU INDULGE, I have also tried two other products from the thermal lubricant range. The three are also water-based lubricants that can be used with toys and hopefully can be compared with each other ~

Thermal stimulation rankings (from higher to lower)


Texture (from thicker to more watery)


Compare three HARU thermal lubricant series products in one picture!

I use it myself, I think the three models will have some different experience, there is always one that can meet your needs! Below I will lightly comment on ORGASM and ORGASM by Jack Herer!


ORGASM is the thickest texture of the three, the heat is 30% more than the basic STEAMY, and it will feel a little warm and numb to use!

ORGASM by Jack Herer

Jack Herer is the name of a breed, and ORGASM by Jack Herer's heat will be a little stronger than ORGASM🤏🏻, the strongest stimulation of the three! In addition to the warmth, there will be a cool feeling, ice and fire intertwined (˶ ̅᷄ −̫ ̅᷅˵), like an extremely weak version of the double flyer xd (don't drip the double flyer ah hey!!) texture are water-based, and will have a little HEMP scent, which I quite like! ! Can add olfactory stimulation ~

Both have launched portable packs respectively. ORGASM has a 15ml travel bottle, while ORGASM by Jack Herer has a 3ml portable tablet.

15ml Travel Bottle

More suitable for mid-range travel, or seven days quarantine ಥ_ಥ (to quarantine do not go to work! Go crazy sex!! Crazy masturbation!), with a small bottle of perfume the same size, can be placed in a makeup bag ~ to note The 15ml travel bottle uses a glass bottle! Be careful of being fragile! ! (=゚ω゚)ノ

3ml Portable Tablets

Moreover, it can be said to be designed for room and staycation, before going to staycation bag a couple of tablets, even usually carry with you, convenient for us to immediately burst the room when we rise, will not feel stretched!

Everyone can choose the product that suits them depending on their needs!

155ml INDULGE vs 15ml ORGASM!!

3. HARU’s new product INDULGE

▍Smooth texture

Back to the main character of today's test - INDULGE!

As mentioned earlier, INDULGE is thelightest, smoothest texture of the three. I myself have always preferred a more watery lubricant, coveting it feel closer to the skin and can penetrate into the skin, as if really nourishing the whole private parts, also will make the water more tight and humidified, the whole lower vagina is like a cistern (●°u°●)”

And the smooth texture is better able to enhance the temperature than lubricants with thermal stimulation. Let the warm feeling penetrate into the skin with the texture of the lubricant! !

INDULGE is the second smoothest texture of the five, which balances warmth and texture!

▍Glycerin-free hypoallergenic formula

Many people hear the word "oil" and are fooled by its name. In fact, today is not an oil, it is an alcohol, common different skin care products, can achieve the effect of moisturizing and locking water, build the skin's natural barrier. And glycerin is a more controversial ingredient for lubricating oils or private parts care products.

Some studies have shown that glycerin has the potential to cause skin sensitivity, affect the pH of the vagina, cause the vagina to be infected or inflamed by yeast, and may affect sperm performance, so it may not be friendly to women preparing for pregnancy. But there are studies that show that glycerin is no problem!

Overall, for women who are preparing for pregnancy, or those with eczema skin, skin sensitivity or sensitivity to glycerin, glycerin-free hypoallergenic formula is a better option!

▍ Niacinamide Skin Care Ingredients: Moisturizing, Whitening, Anti-Aging!

Nicotinamide, also known as vitamin B3 (VB3). Niacinamide inhibits melanocytes, causing melanocytes to stop producing melanin. Many skincare products use nicotinamide. Even SK-II and OLAY's whitening serums have tried it! Niacinamide can be said to be a moisturizing, whitening, anti-aging, balancing water and oil ingredient ~

Four, impressions

▍Improve the sensitivity of private parts

The heat of the thermal lubricant is not a rapid rise after use, does not make me very hot and painful, but the skin slowly becomes warm and hot feeling, It makes the sensitivity of the private parts greatly improved! !

▍The right sensation of heat is crisp and itchy

INDULGE is the mildest of the three. In addition to being excellent as a lubricant, both in terms of ingredients and texture, INDULGE’s heat sensation is of a standard, even just applied to the skin you can feel the temperature rise gently.

And the heat is just right, crisp itchy, there is a first love heart and hands heart heat, or after exercise heartbeat accelerated feeling! ! (⑉︎••⑉︎)♡︎ Does not over-stimulate and numb the senses in the private parts ~

▍Combined with toys to enhance the fun of masturbation

Not just the clitoris! ! When used with toys, the entire vagina will feel warm ~ withthe previously tested LELO IDA TM Wave rotating double-headed G-spot vibratorUsing, INDULGE can effectively reducethe mechanical sensation of the toy, so that the toy can have a considerable temperature to stimulate the inner vagina and clitoris respectively,< strong>improves realismwhen using toys. Plus, the provocation of IDATM Wave is really strong, and a person's enjoyment can be more comfortable and interesting than sex! ! ( ✿︎ •̀ ꒳ •́ ) ♡︎ ✧︎

▍Add interest to sex between partners

HARU INDULGE is can be used for oral sex! ! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و̑̑ In the mouth, since the mucosal tissue and taste buds have stronger sensory reception, you will feel the warm tingling sensation, even stronger than using it in the private parts. The taste, with a slight sweetness and bitterness, a little like Chinese tea, is acceptable range, will not be irresistible ~ the process can also increase each other's sensitivity, while making both parties oral All more interesting! ( •̀∀︎•́ )✧︎

As for sex, I squeeze the outside of the condom when using it. Through condoms, although there is no way to directly feel the other person's body temperature, you can still reduce the plasticity of condoms through HARU INDULGE. At the same time, it also makes my whole body feel like I have done a warm-up exercise, and slowly it becomes very hot and desired!

5. Summary

▍I would recommend INDULGE over...

  • First time trying thermal lubricant
  • Friends who want to improve the interest of masturbation
  • Friends who want to add sensuality to sex
  • Friends who want to enjoy erotic experiences while maintaining their private parts
  • Friends who are sensitive to glycerin ingredients
  • Preparing pregnant women